Friday, June 30, 2006

field work

talking nascar to
understand the enemy
next topic: coulter

Thursday, June 29, 2006

a haiku a day
keeps the dread not quite but a
little bit at bay

You can call me your prank caller

How the days go by:
Seconds tick, minutes glare, hours
suck the devil out

formal occasion reunions

ghosts of former selves
team up with acquaintances,
revolt against "you"

Tuesday, June 27, 2006

over middle america

at twenty thousand
feet you learn that lightning is
god's synaptic fire.

The most common haiku you can make

the of (and to) a
in - that it is was i for.
on you he be with

New Moon Sung to the Tune of Blue Moon and Then Rudely Interrupted

Neeeew moooooon . . . I saw you
standing alone . . . hahaha!
Nobody likes you!

Returning from a conference in a digital world

Hundred forty four
emails, five-hundred-fifteen
feeds waiting for me.

Believe the Pixies
once sung about times like these:
'Where is my mind' ... 'Stop!'

Monday, June 26, 2006

Google as Organism

How many hits hits
Link to me link to me link
and we'll climb higher

Sunday, June 25, 2006

surrounded by reality

passing glance inspires
impromptu fireworks lecture
by local expert

the conversation
continues without regard
to sincerity

Thursday, June 22, 2006

found internet rush haikus

new "Replay x 3"
three videos, one cd
Best Buy has bonus

Rush in Rio rocks
Brazilians go nuts during
Alex's solos

Your bad haiku has
One too many syllables
In the second line

This machinery
Making Rush haiku can still
Be open-hearted


student radio
plays Eels- you're goddamn right it's
a beautiful day


construction foreman
wearing pink- sensitive but
still calling the shots

Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Haiku hunting: Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus

Wittgenstein, how you
talk about objects, pictures
resonates with me:

"Thus the picture is
linked with reality; it
reaches up to it."


On losing respect 4 syllables at a time

Smart people shouldn't
ever make up stupid words
like intertwingled.

Tuesday, June 20, 2006

It's Honestly Been Since Saturday

tell me dear bowels,
when are we done with this white
castle rebellion?

each true jazz moment

between each voice while
the group improvises they
maintain harmony

Monday, June 19, 2006

Let's Unite Lonely Muncieites

Just shy of joining,
two bittersweet lanes sever
a sullen city.

Update on the Firm Which Keeps American Idol Contestants' Obligatory Background Check Files

signed away my soul,
had all my info, you ass-
holes had burglary


railroaded into
the real world the right thinking
vote republican

On Jeff Skilling's admission that he considered suicide

contemplated not
because of shame, but because
the bastard got caught

sing to me

kate bush teaches us
how to be invisible:
you think inside out

never sorrow

some get strong, some get
strange, strung out on fake fashions
up over that hill

the child house

dear visionary
keep denying your virtue
makes life easier

Sunday, June 18, 2006

ode to mutts

tracing a cringe to
her guts, where you know she's nuts,
and round it will come.

note to self

make a plan for when
you finally get sick of
that voice in your head.

Get right for the summer

I thought that we had
a spatula? Ummm we, no,
there's no royal we.

what i learned from djin

thinking and feeling
may exist coevally
but not equally

Saturday, June 17, 2006

Are you there God? It's me, Ryan.

absence or presence
difficult to verify
without evidence

signing statements: bush 750, predecessors 568

josh bolten for some
reason has four photographs
of george bush's hands

Things had changed the boys

multifarious mass of
pithy lachrymose.

Friday, June 16, 2006

andrea del sarto

i've got a girl who
freezes her spit for ice cubes
and drinks them with beer

Thursday, June 15, 2006


There's a certain kind
of horseshit in which poets
trade: it's called beauty.

lady & the gramps

lying's not joking
insincerity isn't

Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Picture pages

With all due respect
to you graphic novelists,
I look for boobs first.

what your friends should tell you

don't show up with a
sixer of miller lite to
a barbeque here

Tuesday, June 13, 2006

wack cycle

there's always a war
once a century begins
weed weeds out the weak

panamorous panhandlers

homeless homos blow
the go-go hobos bubbles
though they hope for more

the trouble with hoosiers (dedicated to my long last pal, aklaver)

no matter where you
go in IN your lawyers are
Stewart & Stewart.

Monday, June 12, 2006


best picture oscar
goes to too synchronistic
race melodrama

Sunday, June 11, 2006

Paraphrasing George Soros in two parts

Subtitle: an inherent paradox of the markets

Markets allocate
resources among private
and competing needs.

They don't take care of
common needs like the markets
preserving themselves.

Six Feet Under

***Spoiler Alert*** (sorta)

Now the ingenue
becomes the hero: the long
drive out of L.A.

loops, knives and torches
roman candle helmeted
debut at big e's

Saturday, June 10, 2006

Art School Confidential

What happens when you
stop rooting for your hero?
Why, that's satire, dear.

When you've touched a place

Chytrid fungus what's
your potential to destroy
tree frog species?

Friday, June 09, 2006

Status Update

Well, I've been hoarding,
but how much humanity
should we save, really?

Wednesday, June 07, 2006

anthropoid dry baked products

Is my wife lying
when she says she's never done
gorilla biscuits?

The Crossover

Yesterday's news. The
MLB had the Angels
play the Devil(Rays).

blue oyster cult haiku

i've seen suns that were
freezing and lives that were through.
i'm burnin' for you

get up

dreamt I shook the hand
of man with two headed dog-
too late to be saved?

Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Temp Assignment #3: The Wrigley Company, 06.06.06

Hundreds of HR
forms filed but no one offered
me a stick of gum.

I would have asked for
Big Red, and been all, "Devil's
gum, get it?" Blank stares.

her air of conformity


Hail Satan!

Re: Apocalypse
prevention fund. Checks c/o
Pat Robertson, Prez.

sex sex sex

arts and sciences
erotic appliances
styx and chicks with dicks

Monday, June 05, 2006

Advice to the Applicant

Might as well give up.
No one hires lopsided
fingernails like that.

Two haikus for 20 Septembers ago

Let's begin more killing than we could possibly realize now

Three charred 'copters and
sattellite coincidence:

An anti-literate un-president that came before

Watching it on screen:
exciting. Manufactured
your consent that way.

my growing double fetish

schmaltz like rust on cars
crusts the mind up the older
erstwhile tripsters get

I'd rather pretend when I know the words

I did explain what
was ahead for you go, sleep,
it's always the same.

Sunday, June 04, 2006

freddie smith bike-by

twenty-one years
bleeding, razor blade tattoos
hip hop porch pundit

a boho nightmare

a sight to behold
zero sign-exchange value
the marginal men

mark 2 market

electrified by
the trial to stay current,
poor mr. skilling

Saturday, June 03, 2006

scuttled canoe odyssey

no . . . no, don't paddle
the bridge underside . . . whoah man
the yahara's cold

Friday, June 02, 2006

the overbooked transmission lines

after the final
no there comes a yes wallace
stevens wrote way back

haiku for Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.

nice RS report
but be careful- your family's
been accident prone

Two or three times in a row:

James Blood Ulmer sings
"Where Did all the Girls Come From?"
and damn, I'm transfixed.

hiatus impetus

i wanted to see
how much it would cost to feel
their confidence once

Thursday, June 01, 2006

Looking at that bridge

Don't get caught up in
domestic violence, it'll
lead to a dead end.

coming from the outer regions

we've been excepted
from the university
of the universe