Tuesday, June 13, 2006

the trouble with hoosiers (dedicated to my long last pal, aklaver)

no matter where you
go in IN your lawyers are
Stewart & Stewart.


Blogger annie said...

not lost... just having trouble with the lebanese and trying to find a house.
you better get your ass to the banana store in august to see the new digs.

Blogger Kelli at College Library said...

i know you aren't lost and that you can always be found. really, august?? i just thought of something! maybe i can celebrate my b-day in nashville like you celebrated in muncie!! it is hard to promise though because august could be crazy.
k. and all my precious nuggets.

Blogger annie said...

well you can visit before august and multiple times of course but everyone seems to be pushing back coming here because they want to see the house...

yes august will be crazy and exciting because you will have el bieber mas grande del mundo chez toi. pack up the fam, bring uncle director, and we'll all go honky tonkin'. Gs are overrated in case you didn't know.

Blogger Kelli at College Library said...

i don't even know what Gs are. so are you going to try and get the house that you sent to me? that house is really cute. can we talk soon or what??

Blogger annie said...

Gs as in people drop the letter G all the time in the south. they don't discriminate against black people nearly as much as they discriminate against poor letter G.

anyway, yeah, that house.
i'm in wudge with it.


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