Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Temp Assignment #3: The Wrigley Company, 06.06.06

Hundreds of HR
forms filed but no one offered
me a stick of gum.

I would have asked for
Big Red, and been all, "Devil's
gum, get it?" Blank stares.


Blogger ryan said...

These are great Becca. Are you temping over the summer, or is this hypothetical? There's gotta be a punchline to the joke "what do you call an out of work poetry teacher?".

Anyway, we (the Madison contingent) were worried that we had lost you forever to the seductive power of the 27ers.

Those 27ers are longwinded.

Blogger becca said...

Thanks, Ryan. And here I was thinking that someone was going to bust me out for being a 34er.

The temping is real, unfortunately. At the YMCA corporate offices the guy was all, "Oh, you're a poet. Well, let's find something poetic for you to do." And I ended up labeling old boxes full of beta tapes.

Ah well, it's all material (?)

Blogger becca said...

Summer Internship

Punch line turns out to
be sweet gig at poetry

Blogger annie said...

so proud of you, bexter!


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