Sunday, February 26, 2006

I'll Close My Eyes aka My approach to deciding whether or not fossilization is good for my future.

God's doggy bag: Pre-
served mammal one hundred six-
ty five million years.


Blogger greg said...

That's an insane amount of time to exist on this planet.

165,000,000 years. Almost to the day reported the scientist.

60,225,000,000 days

1,441,440,000,000 hours

8,648,640,000,000,000,000,000 minutes

518,918,400,000,000,000,000,000 seconds

Mission to pluto for NASA probe:

9 years

3,276 days

196,560 hours

11,793,600 minutes

707,616,000 seconds

I really don't know which I'm more impressed by, the fact that this was the animal of its species "selected" to be preserved all those years, or the fact that we sent a fucking probe sailing through space (right now as you read this) on its way to Pluto.

Blogger greg said...

I meant to say 'all those seconds' instead of 'all those years.' Because those are alot of seconds.

Blogger greg said...

I think I've decided. Sure, I'll go with fossilization but only if I get to decide for how long.

Therefore I've come to the conclusion that I too want to be discovered in 518,918,400,000,000,000,000,000 seconds after death.

Blogger ryan said...

Great work Director- don't you have a stats project to work on?

Blogger becca said...

god's doggy bag! amazing! want to steal it!

Blogger Unknown said...

I'm imagining Bex scampering away with G_d's doggie bag over her shoulder. Please to join me.


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