Thursday, December 22, 2005

Third Graders

Turnips and water
And what song would you sing, bird?
Spiders sing a lot.

-Class Poem

My Dog drinks a lot
I can never tell where from
It echoes off the walls


What a happy day!
I had a birthday party…
With me, me and me.


What a happy time!
The turtles make earthquakes! Yikes!
Sing, spider! Sing, bird!

Oh! Bombs, everywhere!
What do you want to do, cat
Cat says, “I lick toes!”

-Liam D.

Fariys are not reale.
but I beleave in faiyes a lot
fariys are very rele.

-Joshua K.

I always feel bus sick.
espacaily Mr. Gang’s car.
I hate to be bus sick.

I love poetry class.
The teacher’s name is Ms. bacca.
I love to write poems.

I like English.
I like English teachers
I know Eglish.

-Yixuan J.

Nick Charles, Nick Charles are
you happier doing your
homework or not.


Monster monster get out my
bed. You won’t come out
until my mother says.

Cat Cat get out of my show
you won’t come till I
give you toe foo

-Stephanie Z.

What a wonder!
The flowers are singing!
Your eyes are like rabbits eyes.


Why do people eat?
‘Cause they won’t live without it.
Am I right or wrong?


1. Why did you go to the bathroom?
2. Why did you eat a chocolate?
3. Why did you come to school?
4. There is a big huge bomb in the
school in the boy bathroom and one
in the girls bathroom.

-Rezwan C.


Blogger andy said...

I should mention that these are all from Becca's work with the Children through Chicago's Hands on Stanzas program. These were the best ones, as deemed by Me, while drinking heavily and channeling T.S. Eliot. Right-o.

Blogger annie said...

these are great, dude.

Blogger ryan said...

Rezwan C. is seriously thinking outside the haiku box here. He is one to watch. Truly a trailblazer.


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