Tuesday, December 13, 2005

inspired by today's stylus after shakespearizing myself last night

If J's Henry, he's
young Prince Hal, ditching Damon
like Falstaff got dumped.


Blogger demetri said...

Henry V – Jay-Z
Apollo could be the third person in this trinity. Totally the captain of everything around him; he can play the audience anyway he wants. Longevity (two Shakespearean Histories = the consistently excellent rap catalogue) and moments of pure transcendence (The St.Crispin’s Day speech/most of The Blueprint). No matter what’s happening, if he’s captain of my team, we’re not losing.

Blogger demetri said...

um, the above is from stylus, verbatim. for reference. like as a footnote or something. in case these haikus are studied millenia hence. or something.


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